CRIC is a collaboration of academic partners doing high quality clinical research together in a spirit of trust, fairness and transparency. CRIC was established in 2020 based upon the structure of the previous Centre for Research in Intensive Care.
To improve the treatment, care and outcomes of critically ill patients through high-quality clinical research to the benefit for patients, relatives and societies.
Research model
The CRIC research model has been developed over the last decade to answer clinical questions important to patients, relatives, clinicians, health care systems and societies. The core of this model is high-quality randomised clinical trials. Each randomised trial will often include build-up studies (e.g., systematic reviews/cohort studies /surveys /feasibility trials) to optimise trial design and studies assessing the impact of the trial results, e.g., updated systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines, and cost analyses.
The collaborators doing clinical research together constitute CRIC. The collaboration will be facilitated by the CRIC Board. CRIC has no bylaws and the collaboration is built on trust, fairness and transparency. Within the specific trial programs, agreements will be made to ensure the funding and running of the program.
The collaborators in CRIC are clinical trial sites and methodological trial sites (e.g., trial/research units, departments of statistics/health economy). Membership is not formal and there is no membership fee and no obligations for partners beyond those agreed upon in the specific trial programs.
The Board
The Board was formed in 2020 based on a broad call within the network and will be supplemented to include all active trial programs, all trial methodology sites and all active countries. The Board will contribute to the design, funding application, planning, and conduct of trial programs within the collaboration based on the CRIC research model and structure.
Our research
Click on the icons below to learn more about our trials.