DOPE-ICU Site Master File

Site Master File

Table of Content (1 through 12)

Please see LOG for latest up-loads of new documents and/or new versions of documents in Trial Master File

1) Protocol and trial synopsis

a) Approved protocol

b) Approved amendments

c) Trial synopsis

2) eCRF (for instruction, please see 8.a.iii.)

3) Trial participants

a) Delegation- and signature-log (in Danish)

b) Training log (Danish) 

4) Approvals and correspondence

a) The Committee on Health Research Ethics in the North Denmark Region (in Danish)

b) Local approvals (site specific)

c) Safety Report

5) Collaboration agreement

a) Collaboration agreement between Sponsor and site 

b) Approval from head of department (in Danish)

c) Other relevant contracts (site specific)

6) Information to participants

a) Trial information to trial guardian, relatives and patient (in Danish).

b) Consent forms to trial guardian, relatives, patient and data collection (in Danish).

c) The rights of the patient in clinical research (in Danish)

7) Co-enrolment and sub-studies

a) Co-enrolment Form (with access to co-enrolment list)

b) Sub-study proposal form

8) Trial documents

a) Trial instructions

i) Eligibility, screening and randomisation (Danish)

ii) Instructions for the eCRF 

iii) SAE

iv) SOP for escape procedures (Danish)

v) Instructions for obtaining consent (Danish)

b) Pocket cards, documents for a notice board in the department

i) Inclusion criteria for notice board

ii) Trial synopsis for notice board

iii) Pocket cards (Danish)

iv) Leaflet for clinical staff (Danish) 

v) Sign for bed (template)

c) Educational material (power point presentations)

i) Initiation for investigators (Danish) 

d) Patient folder

i) Frontpage

ii) Content

iii) Standardnotater (template)

iv) Contact information – local (template)

9) Communication

a) Contact details – Management Committee

b) Contact details – participating sites

c) Note to file send to Sponsor (template)

d) Note to file received from Sponsor (template)

e) Other correspondences between Sponsor and site(s) (site specific)

f) Newsletters

g) Correspondence to primary investigators and primary trial personnel (e-mails)

10) Serious adverse events

11) Trial completion

12) Appendices